Station guidelines


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The only "Golden Rule" of KFAR: NOTHING RACIST, SEXIST, OR HOMOPHOBIC SHOULD BE PLAYED AT ANYTIME. Nothing that would violate "COMMUNITY STANDARDS" should be played before 10pm.

Knoxville First Amendment Radio is a community station dedicated to bringing music, news and things you won't hear anywhere else on the Airwaves in Knoxville, TN. We are currently broadcasting on 90.9 FM. Anyone is welcome to do a show. If you would like to commit to having some airtime, please email kfar909@yahoo.com. Every DJ is expected to contribute $10 a month in DJ dues which goes towards maintenance, bills, and upkeep of this station.

You never know what you'll hear in 90.9. We cater to a wide variety of musical taste. Individual djs have full autonomy to play what they want as long as : It's not sexist, racist or homophobic. Also djs should not play anything that would offend "Community Standards"( i.e. cussing, rough language) before 10pm.